Today, Instagram is making it easier to share feed posts to your story. Did you see a friend’s post about a cause or a cool product photo from your favorite brand? You can now share these as stickers on your story. This way, your friends and followers get to see them too.

To share a post this way, just tap the paper airplane button under the post you like. Next, select the “create a story” option that appears. You’ll then see the post become a sticker that you can customize and share. You can play around with its size, rotation, and position.

It’s important to note: only posts from people with public accounts can be shared. Additionally, you can control if others can share your posts this way. Simply adjust this setting in your account settings.

Introducing the New Way to Share Feed Posts on Instagram Stories

More than 500 million people use Instagram Stories every day. Sharing your feed posts to Stories is a great idea. It helps you reach more people and engage more. Now, you can share your favorite feed posts as stickers in your Stories. This means your friends and followers can see what you love.

Seamlessly Share Feed Posts as Stickers

To share a feed post to your story, tap the paper airplane under the post. This is just like sending a direct message. Then, choose “Add post to your story” from the menu. Next, your feed post will turn into a sticker with a cool background. Now, it’s ready for your story.

Customize Background and Styling

Once your post is a sticker, make it your own. You can move, resize, or turn the photo or video. Add your touch by drawing, writing, or sticking emojis on it. This makes your shared post unique and fun.

Credit Original Poster with Username

When you share someone’s post to your story, you give them credit. The story will link back to the original post and show their username. Remember, only public posts can be shared. Also, if you have a public account, you can stop others from sharing your posts to their stories.

How To Share Post On Instagram Story

Step-by-Step Guide to Sharing Feed Posts

To share a feed post on your story, tap the paper airplane under it. Choose “Create a story” at the top. This turns the post into a sticker with a special background. You can change its size, rotation, and place on your story. Also, you can tap it to tweak the style.

All posts put in stories show the username of the person who posted it. This helps your followers find and follow them.

Boost Reach and Engagement

Putting feed posts in your story can help increase your reach and interaction. It lets you show off content to a wider audience. Anyone viewing your story can tap the post to go to the original.

Cross-Promote Feed Posts on Stories

Sharing feed posts to stories is great for cross-promotion. It can draw more followers and grow your presence on Instagram. By highlighting cool posts from your feed, more people will become interested in your account.

Sharing Cool Content from Other Accounts

Instagram is more than just sharing your own photos and videos. You can also share awesome things you find from others in your story. This is a great way to spread the fun. You show your friends cool content and give a shoutout to its creator!

When you share other people’s posts, you connect with your audience in a different way. It lets you find and enjoy new content. Plus, you help support the Instagram community.

Why Share Others’ Posts?

Sharing Instagram posts from other accounts lets you connect with your followers. It helps you find new and interesting content, and it supports the Instagram community as a whole.

By showing your audience fun and informative posts from others, you introduce them to new ideas. This can increase your engagement and help you make friends with other Instagram users.

Simple Steps to Share Posts

Sharing someone else’s post is pretty easy. Just tap the paper airplane button and choose “Add post to your story“. You can then make the sticker your own with backgrounds and text.

But don’t forget to give credit to the original creator. If needed, make sure you have their permission. Sharing fun content from different accounts is a fantastic way to delight your fans and help the Instagram community.

Troubleshooting and Advanced Tips

Sharing Instagram feed posts to your story is handy but can have issues. Some things might cause this, like the original account being private. Or the person who shared it may have turned off sharing. Even a bug in the Instagram app could be the reason.

To fix sharing issues, first check if the sharing account is public. Also, make sure it allows sharing to stories. If that’s fine, try restarting the app or updating it. This often fixes bugs and issues, making sharing work correctly again.

Want to up your Instagram story game? Consider these tips. Use the brush tool to add your own touch to shared posts. Play with different colors and designs. Include top-notch photos to catch attention.

Having a unique style for your stories is key. It makes your content memorable to your followers. So, try to keep a consistent look. This way, people will easily recognize your posts.


What is the new way to share feed posts on Instagram stories?

Instagram has a new feature that makes sharing feed posts to your story easy. If a post in your feed catches your eye, you can share it to your story with a few taps.

How do I share a feed post to my Instagram story?

Find a post you want to share in your feed. Hit the paper airplane button below it. Pick the “Create a story” option at the top.

Now, you’re ready to share the feed post as a sticker with a special background. It’ll be visible in your story for everyone to enjoy.

Can I customize the way the feed post appears in my story?

You’re in control how the sticker looks in your story. You can rotate, scale, and move it. Trying different styles and adding your touch with drawings, text, and stickers is also an option.

Will the original poster’s username be displayed when I share their post?

Yes, the original poster’s username will always be shown. This feature gives due credit to the creator of the content.

Can I view the original post after seeing it in someone’s story?

After seeing a shared post in someone’s story, you can view the original. Just tap on it to check out the full post and more content by the creator.

Are there any limitations on sharing feed posts to stories?

There are some sharing rules to keep in mind. Only posts from public accounts can be shared. If you don’t want your posts shared, you can choose to opt out.

Why should I share feed posts to my Instagram story?

It’s a smart way to get more eyes on your content. Sharing posts to your story can help increase engagement. Plus, it brings people back to your main feed.

What are some tips for sharing posts creatively on Instagram stories?

To stand out, get creative. Use the brush tool, try different backgrounds, and use great photos. Having a unique style can make your stories more attractive to your audience.

What if I’m having trouble sharing feed posts to my story?

If you can’t share a post, it might be due to privacy settings or a bug. Make sure the account is public and allows sharing. If that doesn’t work, try updating or reinstalling the Instagram app.