What is Clear Mode on TikTok

Clear Mode is a new feature on TikTok that allows you to hide the buttons and text that usually clutter the side of the screen when watching a video. By enabling Clear Mode, you can enjoy a clear view of the video content without any distractions, enhancing your overall viewing experience on TikTok.

Let’s dive deeper into how to enable Clear Mode and explore the benefits it offers.

How to Enable Clear Mode

To enable Clear Mode on TikTok and enjoy a distraction-free viewing experience, it’s a simple process. While watching a video, just hold down on the screen. This action will bring up a dialog box with several screen options. Among these options, you will find Clear Mode.

Turn on Clear Mode by selecting it from the dialog box. Once enabled, all the buttons and text that usually appear on the screen will be hidden, giving you a crystal-clear view of the video you’re watching. With Clear Mode, you can focus on the content without any distractions.

It’s important to note that Clear Mode needs to be enabled for each individual video you watch on TikTok. Currently, it is not available as a continuous feature while scrolling through the TikTok feed. However, once you enable Clear Mode for a particular video, you can enjoy a distraction-free viewing experience for that specific video.

Limitations of Clear Mode

While Clear Mode on TikTok offers a fantastic way to enhance your viewing experience and eliminate distractions, there are a few limitations that you need to keep in mind. Let’s take a closer look at these restrictions:

  1. Video-Specific: Clear Mode is currently only available on a video-by-video basis. This means that if you want to watch multiple videos without distractions, you’ll need to enable Clear Mode individually for each video.
  2. Not Continuous: Unfortunately, Clear Mode does not function as a continuous feature while scrolling through your TikTok feed. To enjoy a distraction-free viewing experience, you’ll have to enable Clear Mode for each video you watch.
  3. Screen Recording Restrictions: Clear Mode does not allow screen recording while in this mode. This prevents users from unauthorized use of videos without watermarks, protecting content creators’ work on the platform.

Although these limitations exist, they are important to ensure a fair and secure environment for TikTok users. By being aware of these restrictions, you can make the most out of Clear Mode and fully enjoy your video-watching experience on TikTok.

Clear Mode Availability

Clear Mode is available for both Android and iOS users on TikTok. Whether you have an Android device or an iOS device, you can enjoy the benefits of Clear Mode while browsing through TikTok videos. By enabling Clear Mode, you can enhance your viewing experience by hiding buttons and text that may distract you from the video content.

While Clear Mode is accessible to the majority of users, it’s important to note that there may be a small number of individuals who do not currently have access to this feature. However, TikTok has confirmed that Clear Mode will be rolled out to all users in the upcoming weeks. This means that even if you don’t have access to Clear Mode yet, it will be available to you soon, allowing you to enjoy a distraction-free viewing experience.


What is Clear Mode on TikTok?

Clear Mode is a feature on TikTok that allows users to enhance their viewing experience by hiding the buttons and text that appear on the side of the screen when watching a video. This feature eliminates distractions and provides a clear view of the video content.

How do I enable Clear Mode on TikTok?

To enable Clear Mode on TikTok, simply hold down on the screen while watching a video. This action will bring up a dialog box with several options, one of which is Clear Mode. By selecting Clear Mode, all the buttons and text that usually appear on the screen will be hidden, providing a clear view of the video.

What are the benefits of Clear Mode on TikTok?

Clear Mode offers a distraction-free viewing experience, allowing users to focus solely on the video content. It enhances the overall video-watching experience on TikTok by providing a clear view of the videos and eliminating any potential distractions.

Are there any limitations to Clear Mode on TikTok?

Yes, there are a few limitations to Clear Mode on TikTok. Firstly, it is currently only available on a video-by-video basis, so users have to enable Clear Mode for each individual video they want to watch without distractions. Additionally, Clear Mode does not allow users to screen record videos in this mode, preventing the unauthorized use of videos without watermarks.

Is Clear Mode available for all users on TikTok?

Clear Mode is available for both Android and iOS users on TikTok. However, there may be a small number of users who do not have access to this feature yet. TikTok has indicated that Clear Mode should be available to all users in the coming weeks, suggesting that there is an upcoming rollout to ensure that all users can enjoy the benefits of Clear Mode on TikTok.